
Sigi H.
Hi Uli, I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are to have you in Christchurch. I have been living in New Zealand for 20 years and it has always been an issue, sourcing good smallgoods. Since you have opened your shop, I have been purchasing your product on a frequent basis and it is always a special treat. The quality of your smallgoods is simply outstanding. I have heard this also from a lot of people in the Hospitality industry. I have great pride in telling as many people as I can about your shop and your products. Good luck, thank you and keep up the good work.

Maksim L.
Толькі ў гэтае краме мы з жонкай знайшлі тыя самыя смакі, што мелі жывучы ў Гародна. Асабліва такія мясныя вырабы як каўбаса вароная, сасіскі малочныя, каўбаса вясковая пальцам пханая, паляндвіца, зэльц і іншыя. Даволі задаволеныя якасьцю прадукта ды асартымэнтам. З павагаю Максім і Вераніка Гарданавы.

Thanks Leeann M.
Being a young family with special dietary needs, we were excited to find the German Butcher & their amazing range of gluten-free & additive-free meats. We love the taste-filled range of meats/salamis & sausages, which is always met with the same response from our children – “Please can we have some MORE!?”

Hello there, my name is Cathy. I came in yesterday and bought some sausage. I just want to say how fabulous it was. It’s the best sausage I think, I have ever eaten in my life.There was no fat, you could eat the skin, I think we talked about the skin, when I came in. So, I want to say thank you so much. I will come back and buy some more.
Absoloutely beautiful. Thank you again.

Claudia und Thomas R.
Ein Stückchen Heimat in der Ferne. Nichts überbietet Qualität und Tradition. Die Nürnberger Bratwürste sind so gut wie in Nürnberg selbst. Da kommt kein Heimweh auf.

Dawn M.
I have waited for 30 years to experience the taste of Fleischsalad again and have found it at Heck German Smallgoods only. It tastes even better than I had in Germany and the Weisswurst, yummy, yummy, scrumptious and my absolute favourite, a real delight and so healthy I feel almost guilty putting mustard on them!!

Gellért N.
Otthoni izek, nagyon jó minőség. Végre egy hentes igazi europai termékekkel!

Mike S.
Taste sensation and fantastic variety and service. If you don’t want these, go somewhere else. I have friends & relatives from all over NZ who come to buy from Heck. Always fresh, always superb and it doesn’ cost the earth.

Potjo S.
Vyrobky mesiarskej firmy Heck German Smallgoods zahrnajú nemeckú poctivost a kvalitnú technologiu!